Best Way To Create A WhatsApp Account On Mobile Or PC

As some of us know WhatsApp is really a great app, some of us may find this post kind of outdated but there are still some who needs this post very well, creating a WhatsApp account is very important in using WhatsApp. As we know whatsApp is a great chatting tool with not regional or country restriction.

For some that don’t know how WhatsApp work, the application uses your mobile number as the link to you, just like your text messaging, it involves the having the number to send it to. This will be required in your registration. Now let get straight to business of the post.

How Do You Open WhatsApp Account On Mobile Or Computer

In WhatsApp registration what you need the most is the application and your mobile registration number. The mobile number you are going to use will be the number that people have the most of the number you want people can reach your through.

So first thing you need to do

  1. Download and install the WhatsApp application whether on mobile or computer.
  2. Now you will be asked for your mobile number, insert your mobile number for both mobile or computer installation
  3. After inserting your mobile number and it accepts it… you are good.
  4. The WhatsApp will automatically sync your contacts stored on your phone, and if any of your contact are registered with WhatsApp it will show on your favorite list.
  5. And you are done.

That how to open a WhatsApp account, so if you want to know to install WhatsApp on computer, laptops then you need to check out this post.

How To Download WhatsApp For Your Selected Device

iPhone: to download WhatsApp for iPhone visit the App Store.

BlackBerry: Download WhatsApp for BlackBerry devices visit your BlackBerry World

Windows Phone: To download whatsapp on windows phones you can  visit whatsapp website

Android Devices: Visit the play Store to Download the WhatsApp

Others devices: Visit whatsapp website to download the app

A Must Read: Top 6 Chat App Available Just Like WhatsApp


I hope this short articles explains how to successful create a WhatsApp account, if you have any questions you can ask me through the comment, so please comment  and share your own views and what you know about WhatsApp.

JPG: I have been a blogger for about 12 years now. Recently, I focus specifically on the more technical side of things. I also do a fair amount of freelance writing on big authority sites. All I can say is that I am super glad to be one of the main contributors to this site. I hope you enjoy and share my content, but only if you think it is worthy of it :)

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